Listen Up - Iceland Fudge Edition

I came back from a trip to Iceland with some cool music. Remember Trips?

Iceland because that’s where this edition’s artist hail from, and Fudge because I might not have everything in the proper listening order, so I may have a little error or two in lining up the comments and the music. That matters a little bit, because there may a comment about the music made at the time that mentions something like a zither. Actually, there is a comment that explicitly mentions a zither. So, it matters that Ye Olde Texte Threads match the playlist. But what matters more is that there is a lot of super music here. So, errors and all, I present to you this edition’s music.

There was a lot more we listened to, but browser history only shows last visit, not first visit. I hope I can piece it together sometime in the future but until then, Mum’s the word, I suppose. If anyone feels like playing detective…

here is the full first listen real-time review


Listen Up - Four on the Floor Edition


Rudy, A Message to You (earworm alert)